Federal Leader’s Reply
To VICCS’ Questions
– “If Canada is to meet the growing challenges of environmental stewardship, it is critical to restore and expand our scientific capacity and support our scientists.” (Elizabeth May, MP, Saanich-Gulf Islands, Leader of the Green Party of Canada)
– “Protection, preservation, and the restoration of our environment are essential to the biodiversity of our planet, and to the health and economy of this, and future, generations.” (Tom Mulcair, MP, Outremont, Leader of the Official Opposition , New Democratic Party of Canada)
– “Action against climate change is a key inter-generational responsibility that we owe to our children and grandchildren.” (Justin P.J. Trudeau, MP, Papineau, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada)
Replies were received from Elizabeth May, Tom Mulcair and Justin Trudeau. The Bloc Quebecois politely deferred and, despite repeated requests to Prime Minister Harper, we unfortunately did not receive a reply from the Conservative Party.
Background: In May & June 2015 VICCS asked five questions of the Federal Party Leaders, looking to encourage public interest and support for conservation initiatives in Canada …and for Canadians to consider when they vote in the October 19th elections. We received almost ten pages back, and invite one and all to forward the Leader’s quotes and replies to their friends and family, and to ask questions of their local candidates and the Party’s they represent.
All of the Party Leader’s replies are available on request, or here on VICCS’ website.
Laurie Gourlay
President, VICCS