Press Release
For Immediate Release, November 25, 2015
BC Towns & Cities Proclaim December 11th 
‘A Day For Our Common Future’
…With Paris & Climate Change in Mind
CEDAR – “Yesterday we received notice from Vancouver that they’ve signed onto the Proclamation,” says the beaming president of a small non-profit society on the west coast of Canada, adding “More than a dozen cities and towns in BC have signed on already, with thanks and well wishes coming in daily.”
Pointing to letters that have gone out to the Prime Minister, Federal Party Leaders and Provincial Premiers the president of the Vancouver Island and Coast Conservation Society says, “We’re inviting them to proclaim December 11th, ‘A Day For Our Common Future’, and they’re telling us this is the year to find a balanced approach to the environment and the economy.”
December 11th is the last day of the Paris Conference on Climate Change, as well as the anniversary of the UN formally receiving the influential and distinguished report from the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987, ‘Our Common Future’.
“BC’s provincial and local governments, representing almost 15% of Canada’s population, proclaimed December 11th ‘A Day For Our Common Future’ in 2014,” stated VICCS president, Laurie Gourlay. “And we couldn’t be more pleased at the expressions of support we’ve received this year for sustainability measures that will protect communities, the country …and the planet.”
Completed in 1987 the Brundtland Commission’s report advanced sustainable development initiatives around the world. This is the third year that VICCS has invited BC’s towns and communities to recognize December 11th , the Paris Conference leading to new outreach with Canada’s senior governments.
“Interest is growing as solutions are being sought for a balanced approach to growth,” says Gourlay. “With COP 21 comes a chance to work together locally and globally, to help limit the impacts of climate change.”
VICCS’ mandate as a non-profit society is to consider practical, positive steps that contribute to sustainable development. The December 11th Proclamation is seen as a way to remember the hard work that led to Canada and nations around the world coming together in 1987, as well as to renew our promise and find new ways to meet our present needs without limiting the opportunities of future generations.
“Next year we want to approach Pope Francis, and the United Nations,” Gourlay adds with a smile. “And we’re looking for global sign-on for the 30th anniversary of ‘Our Common Future’ in 2017 – which just happens to be Canada’s 150th anniversary. There’s lots of very good reasons we can all work for our common future.”
Copies of the Proclamation, background and a sampling of signatories, can be found on the VICCS website.
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For more information:
Laurie Gourlay
President, VICCS